Pendent, cabin or Radio/infrared Remote operated cranes can be supplied in any mode or a combination of modes. Adequate protection by way of single phasing phase reversal, overloads, embedded thermistors are some of the standard features. Provision for Dynamic Braking and soft start can be made. Cranes with variable speed drives suitable for slip ring/squirrel cage motors for precise handling can abo be supplied. The design permits easy maintenance and protects the cables are being incorporated for maximum reliability and trouble free operations, Cabin Constructed from Sheet-Metal the Cabin are suspended either on one side of the crane or in the middle. These are either open type for indoor use or closed types for out door use. Air conditioned cabins can also be supplied. All cabins have a protective panel and control are ergonomically placed for maximum comfort to the operator. Emergency switches are provided to meet with any emergency. Rope System The drums are made out of seamless steel pipes or fabricated from platen tested as per ASTM/IS standards. The drum in coupled to the gear bool via drum coupling that facilitates easy removal and maintenance if needed, Wire rope is fixed with double slot clamps.

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